30w02 Nitrogen Sealing Device

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Name 30w02 Nitrogen Sealing Device
City China
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-21-52805955
Fax # 86-21-62808550
Contact Person zoe
Address 609ROOM,2#Yinghua International Plaza, Guangfu Road,Putuo District ,Shanghai China
Description Summary The 30W02 nitrogen sealing device is composed of the control valve, actuator, pressure spring, pilot, pulse pipe and other parts. It is mainly used for maintaining the pressure of gas (generally nitrogen) at the top of the vessel constant so as to prevent the materials in the vessel from contacting the air, volatizing and being oxidized and ensure vessel safety. It is especially suitable for gas sealing protection systems of various large- sized storage tanks. The product has such features as energy saving, agile action, reliable running, convenient operation and maintenance, etc. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, etc. Body DN 15、20、25、32、40、50、65、80、100mm PN Class150、300 Flange standard ANSI、JIS、DIN、GB、JB Body material WCB、CF8、CF3、CF8M、CF3M Plug type Single-seat (P), double-seat (N), sleeve (M) Plug material Hard seal Stainless steel (304、316、316L) Soft seal Stainless steel embedded with rubber ring Stem material Stainless steel (304、316、316L) Pressure balancing Stainless steel bellows Flow characteristic Quick open Working temperature ≤80℃ Actuator pressure setting range 0.4~0.5 5~10 9~14 13~19 18~ 24 22~28 27~33 36~44 42~51 49~58 56~66 Diaphragm cover material Teflon coated A3, A4 steel sheet Diaphragm material NBR, EPR, fluorine rubber, oil resistant rubber 30W02-01 1 Main valve r 2 Main valve plug 3 Main valve actuator 4 Pressure reducing valve 5 Throttle valve 6 Pilot plug 7Detection mechanism 8 Diaphragm 9 Preset spring 30W02-02 1. Main valve 2. Detection mechanism 3. Spring Performance Set value error ±5% Allowable leakage Standard type Class IV (conforming to GB/T4312-92) Tight type Class V I (conforming to GB/T4312-92) Rated flow coefficient, rated travel, performance 30W02-01 nitrogen supply device DN 25 32 40 50 65 80 190 Seat size 5 6 7 8 10 12 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 190 Flow coefficient 0.2 0.32 0.5 0.8 1.8 2.8 4.4 6.9 11 20 30 48 75 120 25 Rated travel 8 10 14 20 25 30W02-02 nitrogen discharge device DN 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 Seat size 20 25 32 40 50 65 81 100 Flow coefficient 6.9 11 20 30 48 75 120 190 Rated travel 8 10 14 20 25 Working principle In the nitrogen supply device (see figure 1), the medium at the pressure point at the top of the tank is introduced to the detection mechanism (7) through the pressure pipe. The medium produces an acting force on the detection element, which balances the pre-tightening force of the preset spring (8). When the pressure in the tank drops to be lower than the pressure set point of the nitrogen supply device, the balance is destroyed, so that the pilot plug (6) is opened, and the before-valve gas enters the upper and lower diaphragm chambers of the main valve actuator (3) after passing through the pressure reducing valve (4) and throttle valve (5). The main valve plug (2) is opened and nitrogen is filled into the tank. When the pressure in the tank rises to the pressure set point of the nitrogen supply device, the pilot plug (6) is closed by the preset spring force. Due to the spring action in the main valve actuator the main valve is closed and nitrogen supply is stopped. The nitrogen discharge device (see figure 2) is an internal feedback mechanism. The medium enters the detection mechanism (2) after passing through the bonnet. The medium produces an acting force on the detection element, which balances the pre-tightening force of the spring (3). When the pressure in the tank rises to be higher than the pressure set point of the nitrogen discharge device, the balance is destroyed, so that the plug (1) moves upward to open the valve and discharge nitrogen to the outside. When the pressure in the tank falls to the pressure set point of the nitrogen discharge device, the valve is closed by the preset spring force. 1. Outline dimensions and weight of nitrogen supply device DN(mm) 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 L 160 180 200 230 290 310 350 A 308 308 308 308 394 394 394 H2 415 415 415 115 415 415 415 H1 60 75 80 85 95 105 120 H 720 730 730 750 790 840 890 Weight (kg) 32 35 40 50 90 115 280 1. Outline dimensions and weight of nitrogen supply device DN(mm) 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 L 160 180 200 230 290 310 350 A 308 308 308 308 394 394 394 H2 415 415 415 115 415 415 415 H1 60 75 80 85 95 105 120 H 380 400 420 430 550 560 570 Weight (kg) 12 13 15 17 20 28 38

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