Aging Oven (hd-102d)

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Name Aging Oven (hd-102d)
City China
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-0755-27633322
Fax # 86-0755-27621430
Contact Person aking wong
Address Building 11, 5th Industrial Area, Luozu, Shiyan, Bao'an, Shenzhen-518108,China
Description This machine is manufactured and designed to meet the requirements of relevant standards, such as GB, T2951, UL1581, ASTM-D5423 etc. It is used to test the ability of material to withstand thermo-mechanical stress, this material can be used in Electrical Appliances, Electrical wire accessories, luminaires, motors, connectors, etc. Features: * It is a full-draft circulating-air oven. * The intelligent PID temperature control system allow precise operation. * Providing horizontal airflow for even exposure to all samples. * Two shelves could be removed free, and the shelf circumgyrated at 10r, m. * Using the watt-time-meter can measure the air exchange capacity. The air exchange capacity can be adjusted by a simple system. * The big window in the door makes your view more convenient. * Four-tiered safety system for overheat conditions. * Stainless steel interior. * OPTION: Heat Impact Device. Technical parameter: Power source: AC 220V 50Hz Max 30A. Temperature range: Ambient to 300C. Temperature precision: +-1C. Heat power: 5KW. Heat time: Less than 1h (from ambient to 300C). Maximum fresh-air exchange capacity: 200times, h. Test period: 0.01s to 999.9hours. Measure range of watt-time-meter: 1 to 9999.9Wh. Interior capacity: 450mm W, 420mm D, 500mm H. Exterior dimensions: 1150mm W, 680mm D, 1100mm H. Standards: GB/T2951 UL1581 ASTM-D5423-93(R1999)

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