Coated Silicon Rubber Cloth

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Name Coated Silicon Rubber Cloth
City China
Type Metals, Minerals & Mining
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-020-39966203-612
Mobile # 86-13416385796
Fax # 86-020-84558616
Contact Person Veasen Guo
Address Guangzhou China
Description Coated Silicon Rubber Cloth Silicon rubber coated glass fiber cloth, silicon rubber cloth, fire proof curtain and fire proof blanket The silicon rubber coated glass fiber cloth is made of high-temperature resistant, corrosion resistant and high strength glass fiber cloth which is rolled or soaked with organic silicon rubber. The silicon rubber coated glass fiber cloth includes two types of single side and double sides. Compared with the common coated fabrics, the silicon rubber coated glass fiber cloth is characterized by unique high-temperature resistance, permeability resistance, excellent weather aging resistance, softness and toughness. The silicon rubber coated glass fiber cloth is a new composite material-made product with high performance and multiple functions. The silicon rubber cloth cannot be used in places where SO2 containing flue gas and vapor exists. 1.performance 1. Used between 70 °C below zero and 230 °C ; 2. Resisting ozone, oxygen, light and weathering ageing, having good weathering resistance while used in field, and having more than 10 years of service life 3. Having high insulating property, 3 to 3.2 of dielectric constant, and 20 to 50KV/MM of breakdown voltage 2. Main Purposes 1. Electrical insulation: the silicon rubber cloth with higher electrical insulation level can bear high-voltage load, so that the silicon rubber cloth can be processed into products such as insulating cloth and sleeves 2. Non-metallic compensator: the silicon rubber cloth can be used as a flexible connector of a pipe, which solves the problem of pipe damage due to thermal expansion and cold contraction; moreover, the silicon rubber cloth has higher temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and anti-ageing property and good elasticity and flexibility, so that the silicon rubber cloth is widely applied in fields such as petroleum, chemical engineering, cement and energy. 3. Corrosion resistance: the silicon rubber coated glass fiber cloth can be used as internal-external corrosion resistant coatings of a pipe, and can achieve quite good corrosion resistance and high strength, so that the silicon rubber coated glass fiber cloth is an ideal corrosion resistant material. 4. Other fields: the silicon rubber coated glass fiber film structural material can be applied in fields such as construction sealing materials, a high-temperature corrosion resistant conveying belt, packaging materials, etc. 3. Storage and Transportation The product should be stored at a temperature between 0 °C and 90 °C and at a relative humidity less than 75%, and at least 1m away from a heat source; moreover, the product should be prevented from contacting materials such as acid, alkali, etc. which are harmful to rubber. During transportation, the product should be prevented from being extruded and contacting sharp articles. 4. Product Color: product colors include red color, silver gray color and black color, and can also be customized according to customers' requirements. 5.Packaging Mode: 50M /roll, packaged by a plastic bag

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