Cold Chamber (hd-8029a)

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Name Cold Chamber (hd-8029a)
City China
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-0755-27633322
Fax # 86-0755-27621430
Contact Person aking wong
Address Building 11, 5th Industrial Area, Luozu, Shiyan, Bao'an, Shenzhen-518108,China
Description This machine manufactured and designed to meet the requirements of relevant standards, such as GB, T2951, UL1581, UL2556, IEC540, etc. It can provides a low-temperature environment for further test, such as Cold Bend, Cold Impact, Flexibility At Low Temperature and the like. The sample will be placed into the Cold Chamber and keep it in specified temperature for a specified period, after undergoing, the sample must undamaged by the bending. It provides a low-temperature environment for further test, such as Cold Bend, Cold Impact, Flexibility at Low Temperature and the like. Features: * The intelligent PID temperature control system allows precise operation. * Provide horizontal airflow for even exposure to all samples. * The refrigeration is come from Tecumseh (France). * The big window in the door makes your view convenient. * Four-tiered safety system for super-cooling conditions. * Stainless steel interior. * OPTION: Low temperature bending device and Low temperature impact shelves. Technical parameter: Power source: AC 3φ 380V, 50Hz, Max 15A. Temperature range: Ambient to -40C. Temperature precision: +-0.5C. Temperature uniformity: +-1C. Refrigerate time: Less than 1h (from ambient to -40C). Interior capacity: 520mm W, 450mm D, 500mm H. Exterior dimensions: 1350mm W, 640mm D, 750mm H.

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