Concrete Batch Plant Hzs75

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Name Concrete Batch Plant Hzs75
City China
Type Construction & Real Estate
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-10-65696113
Mobile # 13811874711
Contact Person Jenkins
Address Jianguomenwai,beijing,china
Description Product Description The main equipment adopt the twin-horizontal shaft, which can produce many kinds of concrete such as plastic and dry concrete. The aggregate adopt the accumulated or separate measurement. The cement, water, additive adopt the weighing hopper to measure, which can reach a very accurate measurement. It is easy to operate. Because all the parts are controlled by the computer. The aggregate adopt the hooper or belt conveyer. The main outsourcing parts are from the international and domestic famous brands: It adopts the Italy Bonfiglioli Brand planet gear speed reducer as the main drive which is of high driving efficiency, stable performance and strong over loading-resistence; The air cylinder may be the Hymig or Aritic Brand, steady performance ang long life-span; The pneumatic components are the YSC and the Airtic ones low malfunction and reliable capability. It choose the America Liebaobrand with the big gas displacement and calm and trust running; The main electronic parts are the Scheider components and The Germany Siemens PLC is chosen for its reliable performance high producing efficiency. These components adopted can assure the stable great producing amount for concrete mixing plant in the locale. The main characteristics of the concrete mixing plant series as follows: 1. Adopting twin forced horizontal shafts stirrer 2. The aggregate is measured alone or accumulated by the electronic scale. 3. Water and the additive are measured accurately under the centralized control of the computer. 4. The whole machine adopts PC to control, which is easy to operate and debug. 5. Two models for feeding aggregate: one by bucket elevator, the other by belt transfer. 6. The main electric elements are the devices of Schneider in France; the programmable controller is the product of Siemens. Model Productivity(m³/h) Total Power(kw) HZS25 25 75 HZS35 35 87 HZS50 50 108 HZS60 60 142 HZS75 75 188 HZS90 90 191 HZS120 120 225 HZS150 150 293 HZS180 180 293 HZS240 240 350

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