Leeb Hardness Tester Hm-6561

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Name Leeb Hardness Tester Hm-6561
City China
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-20-81609313
Contact Person Sylvia Zhu
Address Flac. Kengkou Electronic base No. 9 Huaxi Rd. Fangcun, Guangzhou China
Description Product synopsis 1.1 Typical Applications * Die cavity of molds * Inspection of bearing and other mass produced parts on a production line * Failure analysis of pressure vessel, steam generator and other equipment * Inspection of installed machinery, permanent parts of assembled systems and heavy work pieces. * Testing surface of a small hollow space * Material identification in the warehouse of metallic materials * Rapid testing in large range and multi-measuring areas for large-scale work piece 1.2 Testing Features * Palm size for narrow space. * Test at any angle, even upside down. * Direct display of hardness scales HRB, HRC, HV, HB, HS, HL. * Large memory could store 250 groups including single measured value, impact direction, material and hardness scale etc. * User recalibration function allowed. * Can communicate with PC computer for statistics and printing by the optional cable. * Manual or automatic shut down. * Low battery indication. 1.3 Technical Specifications Display: 12.5mm LCD with back light Accuracy: Display error ±0.8% at LD=900 Measuring range: 200-900L Conversion: HL-HRC-HRB-HB-HV-HSD Materials: 9 different common materials With RS232C interface Memory: 250 data can be stored and re-readable Impact device: D Will handle the majority of hardness testing applications. Weight: 75g Power supply: 2x1.5V AAA size battery Dimension: 146×65×36mm Weight: 130g (not including batteries) Working temperature: - 10°C~+50°C Storage temperature: - 30°C~+

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