Rubber Tile

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Name Rubber Tile
City China
Type Building Materials
Email [email protected]
Phone # 863173813111
Contact Person Gavin Tang
Address CHINA
Description 1. Product Introduction Rubber floor tile adopt reclaimed rubber as raw materials, which is to be a new kind of ground decorative material by high temperature vulcanization way. Technical performance: Apparent dencity kg/m 600~900 Tore elongation % ≥40 Compression deformation % ≤15 Combined % ≥38 Flame retardant rate % Ⅰ级 Ooze water rate % ≥40 Hot air ageing70℃,96h Tensile strength variation(reduce) % ≤20 Tore elongation rate(reduce) % ≤20 Resistance of man-made climate For outdoor, meet 240h appearance no change Harmful substances Set limit to Used for indoor, GB 188587 in carpet pad harmful material set limit to to the provisions 2. Product Features prevent slippery, shock absorption, wear-resisting, antistatic, sound insulation, heat insulation, no glance, water resistant ,flame resistant , non-toxic, no radiation, strong weather ability, anti-aging, long life, easy to clean, easy construction, etc. 3. Application Used for waiting hall, subway station, stadiums, underground walkways, public footpath, department store, shopping centers, office buildings, bank lobby, public places such as hotels, cafes; Also applied to the computer room, laboratories, power plants, workshops and other production sites; Especially with good safety applied to public places, such as kindergartens, schools, nursing homes and hospitals. 4. Specifications Specification: 500MM * 500MM, Thickness: 15MM-30MM, Colors: red, green, blue, grey, black, etc. Design picture, color and thickness can be chosen by customers. 5. Packing Packing with simple packaging, can also according to customer's requirements.

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