Supply Formic Acid

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Name Supply Formic Acid
City China
Type Dyes & Chemicals
Email [email protected]
Phone # 086-022-58057180
Fax # 086-022-58675829
Contact Person vicky
Address Tianjin,China
Description Formic acid in the pharmaceutical industry can do local thorn medicine, astringent and bubble cream In the chemical industry, formic acid used in the production of ammonium and various formate etc In pesticide industry, formic acid can be produced in leather industry didunongyao efficient, is a potent leather tannins agent, the ash from agents and neutralizing agent In rubber industry, formic acid can do, printing and dying mordant dyeing, fiber agglomerants paper and dye and treatment, plasticizer and animal beverage additives, natural rubber agglomerants

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