Impact Crusher/impactor/impact

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Name Impact Crusher/impactor/impact
City Faisalabad
Type Industrial Machinery & Equipments
Email [email protected]
Phone # 8637167770550
Contact Person lucyli li
Address No.43,Tongbai Road,Zhengzhou,Henan
Description Vipeak, a high-tech mining equipment company in China.We are specialized in manufacturing stone crusher, grinding mill, sand making,etc.Our address is No.43,Tongbai Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, China.Welcome you to visit us! We are special in manufacturing stone crusher ,stone crushers,mobile crusher plant,grinder machine,ball mills Vipeak Impact crusher is a new type of high-efficiency crushing equipment. This crusher can be used as stone crusher, rock crusher and so on.This crusher mainly consists of board hammer, impact plate, board hammer pedestal, rotor, and feed port etc. Being simple, reliable and energy-efficient, our impact crusher is one of the most frequently used rock crusher.Impact crusher is widely applied in mining, transportation, energy, construction and chemical industry. They are ideal choice for crushing and screening.This impact crusher features reasonable structure, high productivity, easy operation and maintenance and safe performance.The most outstanding advantage of this machine is that its finished powder is in good, cubic shape and without tensility and cranny. Vipeak impact crusher is ideally suited for breaking materials with a grain size of not more than 300mm and compressive strength of not more than 350 MPa. It can crush materials ofa all hardness, being an ideal piece of equipment for secondary crushing. Additionally, our impact crusher has obtained U.S. patent. Impact crusher crushing materials with impact force. When materials enter, crushed due to the high-speed impact of the blow bar and are thrown to the impact plates on the rotor for secondary crush.Then materials will be shot back to the blow bar again for the third crush. Process repeats until the materials are crushed to the required size and discharged from the lower part of the machine,Size and shape of the finished powder can be changed by adjusting the gap between the impact rack and rotor support. Impact crusher employs self-weigh security device in its back frame.When other objects enter the impact cavity, they will be forced out of the machine by the impact rack in the front and back of the machine. Company Name: HeNan ZhengZhou Vipeak Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd TEL : 86-371-67770550 Fax:86-371-67431834 URL:

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