
Check Business Detail of Omeprazole with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Omeprazole. You can find business terms and products of Omeprazole including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Health And Medical business types like Omeprazole in Faisalabad.

Name Omeprazole
City Faisalabad
Type Health And Medical
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-13163215932
Contact Person crystal lee
Address 596 zhongshan road
Description CAS NO:73590-58-6 Content:99% Molecular formula :C17H19N3O3S CAS NO:73590-58-6 Content:99% Molecular formula :C17H19N3O3S Molecular weight:345.41616 Packing:1KG/PP Appearence:White powder Usage:Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor, for animal and human gastric acid pm Kim has a strong and longer inhibited. Clinic for the treatment of peptic ulcer, reflux esophagitis, Zolliger-Ellison Syndrome, the eradication of Helicobacter pylori (HP) and achieved satisfactory results. Dexamethasone-17-acetate醋酸地塞米松 Chemical Name: Dexamethasone-17-acetate Molecular Formula: C24H31FO6 Formula Weight: 434.5 CAS No.: 1177-87-3 Standard: USP24 Packing: 25kg/drum Optional Information - HS Code : 3006 Pharmaceutical Goods

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