Volvo Vida Dice 2011a

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Name Volvo Vida Dice 2011a
City Faisalabad
Type Automobiles & Vehicles
Email [email protected]
Phone # 86-0797-8459833
Contact Person Alice Ye
Address RM303A ,201 Building PengjiShangBu Industry Factory, Shangbu Industry Zone ,FuTian District, Shenzhe
Description VIDA DICE Diagnostic Tool for VOLVO Volvo Vida Dice Scanner is a tool that is used together with VIDA all-in-one to communicate with the vehicle. Communication makes diagnosing and troubleshooting the vehicle possible, as well as downloading software. Description: 1.DICE - Diagnostic Communication Equipment. 2.DICE has an integrated CARB cable, which is connected to the vehicle's diagnostic socket. When connecting to the vehicle, DiCE is powered as long as the battery is charged. 3.DICE has a folding hook that is designed for hanging the unit from one of the grab handles in the vehicle for example. 4.DICE is equipped with four status LEDs that indicate the status of the software, the USB and Bluetooth communication and the interface to the car. 5.At one end of the unit, there is a DC input where a battery cable or adaptor(12V) can be connected. The adaptor is used when upgrading and troubleshooting the DICE. 6.In the other end of the unit, there is a removable cover that could be removed by turning the screw on the cover. Function: 1.Administration - General information, design and function 2.Standard components, service materials and consumables. General information (among other things, control modules, SRS, general safety) as well as 3.service and maintenance 4.Engine with mounting and equipment 5.Electrical system 6.Power transmission 7.Brakes 8.Suspension and steering 9.Springs, shock absorbers and wheels 10.Body and interior - among other things, diagnostics, design and function, repair and spare part information 11.Other - special vehicles, e.g., ambulances, police cars. Components that deviate from standard. Package list: 1.DICE device with OBDII cable 2.USB A to MINI USB angled cable 3.DVD with VIDA 2010D English (activated) 4.Version we offer now: VIDA 2010D English (locally activated, no online services; login as "Info-pc")

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