90 Degree Call Center

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Name 90 Degree Call Center
City Karachi
Type Call Centre's
Email [email protected]
Phone # 021-3412212,0321-5837254
Mobile # 0333-2262232
Contact Person Muhammad Amin
Address Gulshan E Iqbal Mumtaz Manzil Office # A-7
Description About Us Boost your market potential and spread out your customer base with our Lead Generation, Call Center Services & Call Center Telemarketing.  Grab every client showing interest in your business through our Order Taking Services  Scale up your profit returns using our Cross-Selling and Up-Selling techniques  Win back your leaving customers using our Customer Retention Services Experience the best of call centre in Pakistan at rock-bottom rates. We are committed to cater mission critical solutions to provide a powerful back-support to your business. Our performance-driven, quality-focused, customized services will help you leap ahead of the rest. 90degree call center is committed to providing the highest value proposition, the most flexible and the greatest customer satisfaction. We value long term partnerships with each of our customers to help them achieve their corporate mission. Our robust, communication solutions allow companies to acquire, care for, grow and retain customers by enabling flexible, high quality customer contact at a price-point that is far superior to traditional solutions. We help businesses build next-generation communications platforms designing, building, deploying and managing your VoIP infrastructure and customized applications. Our Computer Telephony Integration services can help build critical system process into your communications platform. The Possibilities are endless; by investing in smart technology you can automate a business process, increase customer service or introduce a new service. What We Do Inbound Call Center Services Inbound call center services offer solution to customers for almost all the queries related to the products and services. These queries are usually related to account questions, technical support, sales, products or general company information. We provide dynamic support for all your inbound communications. Our Services We ensure maximum phone productivity, better market coverage, faster ramp-up of new campaigns, skilled & professional talent pool, higher lead generation, wider customer base, increased sales are some of the reasons that make us the popular choice for our clients Inbound support needs. You need not make that “extra effort” to retain your customers and can concentrate on your core business activities. We at 90Degree call center act as an extension of your company by retaining your current customer base and bring in new customers through marketing strategy for your product and services. Outbound Call Center Services Outsourcing your outbound call center services can work great wonders in enhancing your overall client acquisition and retention. The sales up-selling as well as cross-selling strategies and techniques deployed by our professionals greatly help the organizations to meet the most challenging sales goals and objectives. Our Services 90Degree call center, in a very short span of time has lined up an entire range of outbound services such as lead generation services, appointment settings, telemarketing service, and customer service, email and chat support. Additionally, we have tailor-made hiring and training program as well as multi-language support. Our Strength We provide complete solution to our client’s requirements via our advance technical systems and trained talented pool of people. Our services are available 24/7, 365 days and 99% uptime on all our services. Our answering services are flexible and cost-effective to expand required hours of operations. We have an excellent answering service and are capable enough to handle high volume calls traffic to ensure effective customer services with given time limits We facilitate order taking service in which the consumer can directly talk to live person to place an order and thus helps you to increase sale. We facilitate the most solid back-up support to tide through all kind of emergencies. By availing our services you can maximize overall revenue generation while minimize the overhead cost. Our customer services ensure instant response via our Chat support services to the customer queries and deliver the best results round of the clock. Such support can also reduce shopping cart abandonment rate by up to 50%. Web chat pros would be a great way to engage your online prospects; they can initiate instant chat interactions and offer promotions to your visitors. Our Live Chat service can be used proactively to close more sales, encourage repeat visits, and augment average order sizes. We guarantee to provide you’re the best services by our well trained professionals and equipped with all technical skills to meet customers’ requirements. Our Services Customer Support Service A perfect customer service call center facilitates the best customer relationship services to its clients. We harness the best manpower and deploy our best training facilities to ensure that the customers have the best experience with our professionals. We understand that our service is the face of your business and can bring in significant results to your market reputation. Technical Help Desk We have a team of Microsoft Certified professionals who can help you in identifying, analyzing and troubleshooting software, hardware, and networking related issues. Our expertise ranges across products in the Desktop, Internet, Server and Networking Domains besides other support areas we keep customer satisfaction on priority. Order Taking We have the competence to answer all your telephone calls 24/7 we can handle inbound call traffic in tremendous quantity. Whether you are selling a single product or multiple products, we have order taking services that is scalable and customizable enough to handle all your needs. We can save your in-house cost of establishing a separate a call center for sale and order fulfillment. Phone Answering We provide phone answering service with unique features of product ordering and fulfillment, inbound order taking, message and recording service and shipment tracking. Companies such as emergency home repair and air-conditioning companies, newspapers and heating companies, real estate groups and so many other service companies have benefited from phone answering services. 90 Degree Call Center has a team of well-qualified professionals who provide necessary information and receive messages on behalf of your company. Product Information Request If your organization is looking for quality product information, then our qualified agents can be your customers’ main information resource for any particular product or resource. Customer services can be tailored to meet your requirements. From handling product enquiries to jotting customer expectations our team can provide a good support on product information request. Customer Retention Customized to your company's individual needs, customer retention solutions are quickly facilitate an understanding of the variables behind customer stir-ups, giving you data on leaving customers and reasons for separation. Up Selling & Cross Selling We have experienced professionals trained in the art of up-selling services and cross- selling services. With our intelligent technological solution we merge our far-reaching database of past purchasing consumer patterns as well as additional third-party information, to evaluate the tendency of a consumer to purchase, following which we customize the product/ service offer accordingly. This intelligent practice assists us in attaining greater incremental revenue while capturing the valuable customer information. Sales Lead Qualification At 90 Degree, we understand that selling is all about relationship with trust. We know that sales lead qualification takes into account a variety of factors. When you don't manage your leads properly, you stand the risk of losing out on potential customers. One must know where the lead originated and the nature of any contact the lead has already had with other members of your organization. With our services you can trace diverse factors and determine which of your efforts can yield you better sales leads. Email Support 90 Degree Call Center facilitates a professional, offshore email-based support system to manage your organization’s email queries and answer them promptly, efficiently as well as accurately. The key features of our Email Support Services are customer care, order fulfillment, technical support, and resolution of escalated cases and complete query resolution. Chat Support Outsourcing live chat support services to 90 Degree Call Center can help you benefit from expert, efficient and cost effective online chat support services. The well trained Customer Care Executives at 90 Degree can individually answer each of your customers and bring tremendous improvement in your business. 90 Degree efficient Chat Support Executives can help visitors on your websites browse through the products/ services and also provide extra information about the products and services. Chat Support Executives can make the selling process very short and convert the visitors on your websites into potential customers. And Many More...

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