Chinese Interpreters

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Name Chinese Interpreters
City Karachi
Type Business Services Provider
Phone # 03122026262
Mobile # 03122026262
Contact Person Pak China bridge
Address Industrial areas
Description Pak China Bridge We have a professional expert Chinese interpreters, translators and consultants who have lots of working experience with Chinese engineers & Chinese business men in different fields. We have installed uncountable plants and machinery at various places of Pakistan particularly in Karachi. Our installed machinery are used for these works, Printing, cutting, packing, oil and gas, minerals plants, textile, garments as well as electronics plants and much more different type of new technology machines. Multinational and Pakistani Famous companies prefer us for every kind of interpretation. After completion of work our clients certify us themselves because of best services and our true commitments. We also arrange many sorts of facilities for Chinese guests like, booking rooms in cheap or five stars restaurants pick & drop from airport to hotels etc. If you need our services dear, feel free to contact us. Our services *Tourist guide. *Personal assistant. *Meeting and Conference Interpretation. *Interpretation for guests and delegation. *Factory visiting and exhibition attending. *Machine and technical solutions interpretations. *All kinds of business dealings. Some suggestions for our clients. We are professional well trained interpreters.So, Please be much careful when you hire any Chinese interpreter or translator, because we know that very few interpreters have experience in interpretation. None professional interpreter may be useless for your work. Therefore, must Contact us before you start your project. We have more good ideas for you and we friendly can guide you in this regard at free of cost. Do not hesitate to talk to us. Thanks for your visit.Cell#0312_2026262

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