Roshan Travel And Tours

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Name Roshan Travel And Tours
City Karachi
Type Tourism & Travel Agent
Email [email protected]
Phone # +9221-36975918
Mobile # +92321-3741202 0321-8277989
Contact Person Haji Tauseef Ahmed - Kanwar Raheel
Address Suite No.1, Shafi Paradise, Sector-11-I, North Karachi–Pakistan
Description Roshan Travel & Tours is simply a Travel Agency & we are specialist in the following works: 1- Umrah Packages 2- Hajj Packages 3- Tickets of all the types of middle east airlines & also other continental airlines. 4- All type of Visas. (Specially Dubai, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore) 5- World wide Hotel Accommodation with Tours & Transfer services. "OUR BUSINESS CIRCLE INCREASING DAY BY DAY" We are regularly Selling: Air Ticketing, Holiday Tours all over the world, Hajj & Umrah Packages, Visa Services, Honey Moon Packages, Northern areas of Pakistan Tour programs, Rent a car.

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