Sell Thermal Transfer Ribbon

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Name Sell Thermal Transfer Ribbon
City Karachi
Type Printing & Publishing
Email [email protected]
Phone # +86 0391 3566139
Contact Person Jason
Address NO.1 Zhuoli Road
Description Jiaozuo Zhuoli Stamping Material Co., Ltd is the largest manufacture of thermal transfer materials in China. We' ve cooperated with KOREN KORIM (one of the world-known TTR company) to establish a TTR company-ZHUORIM in China, which can produce more than one billion sqm TTR per year. Thermal Transfer Ribbon is available for high-speed printing, and fits for Marken, Sato, Domino, etc. It is also suitable for paper and film packing materials. It is widely used to many different aspects such as retail labels, medicine labels, ticket printing, labels for the fabric & clothes, etc. Nowadays we mainly produce three types: wax, wax/resin, resin. The detail: Length:90m,100m,150m,300m and other length by your arrangement. Width:40mm,50mm,55mm,60mm,80mm,90mm,100m,110mm and other length by your arrangement. Color: black

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