
Check Business Detail of Adservice with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Adservice. You can find business terms and products of Adservice including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Advertising & Marketing business types like Adservice in Lahore.

Name Adservice
City Lahore
Type Advertising & Marketing
Email [email protected]
Phone # (92 423) 5845508
Mobile # +92 300 8441136, +92 321 8441136
Contact Person Mr. Sajid Bari
Address Office # 210, 2nd Floor, Al-Qadir Heights, New Garden Town, Lahore
Description Adservice was established in 1954 and is a rapidly growing company known for innovation and excellence in the development of Out of Home Media Sector. We are specialized in providing a 360™ out of home communication solution with planning, delivery and measurement. Our Head Office is in Lahore and we have regional offices in all the major cities of Pakistan, which gives us the strength to expedite marketing campaigns on nationwide basis. We always strive to get an opportunity to work for vibrant brands and take up challenges of rendering over services to various category players in Out Of Home Media Planning under following areas: a)Retail Advertising b)Brand Activation c)Offset Digital Printing d)Designer Services.

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