Car Steam Spa

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Name Car Steam Spa
City Lahore
Type Automobiles & Vehicles
Email [email protected]
Phone # +92 321 840 8222
Mobile # +92 321 840 8222
Contact Person Asif Ayoub
Address 77K Commercial Area Phase 1 DHA Lahore
Description A car wash or auto wash is an establishment used to clean the exterior and interior of your car. Car wash is a job to do it by yourself but in the rapid development time it becomes hard for a car holder to wash car by itself so there are many facilities offering by . is an influencing upcoming brand with full service of car washes in both water car wash and steam car wash. We are providing the citizens of Pakistan with the high quality wash and great wash experience that they deserve. is an upcoming leading car wash serving company in Pakistan. We hire professional team members which gives your car a shine wash!

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