Dua's Events

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Name Dua's Events
City Lahore
Type Events Planner
Email [email protected]
Phone # 03244207937
Contact Person Ahmad Butt
Address 63/MZZ 2nd Floor Al-Hafeez Shopping mall, Main Boulevard, Gulberg3, Lahore , Pakistan, Lahore, Pakis
Description At Dua's Event, we believe that great event experiences change attitudes , we evolved into a high-end event management company specializing in producing events that inspire and motivate. We are proud to offer our clients a complete 'end-to-end' event experiences solution. Our team includes best event managers, Set & Stage Designers audio-visual producers, digital media producers. Dua’s Event has extensive experience across all industry sectors including hotels, wedding, corporate events and special events, audio-visual production, merchandise, marketing and group travel. Our mission statement is: to work with our clients for their long term benefit, to constantly research and develop new strategies, technologies and skills, to provide exceptional service, to maintain constant communication. we can provide full event management and planning, including the creation and development of thematic concepts, food and beverage services, decoration and décor, and full entertainment for any event or campaign regardless of size or budget. Sincerely, Ahmad Butt

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