Lahori Sweets

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Name Lahori Sweets
City Lahore
Type Food & Beverage Products
Email [email protected]
Phone # 0324 4777500
Mobile # 0324 4777500
Contact Person Shahzad Ahmad
Address •Allama Iqbal International Airport Lahore.
Description Product List Our Specialties ☆ Akhrott Halwa ☆ Kaju Halwa ☆ Khajoor Halwa ☆ Injeer Halwa ☆ Naryal Halwa ☆ Orange Halwa ☆ Lahori Halwa ☆ Habshi Halwa ☆ Manpasand Halwa ☆ Badanna Halwa ☆ Gulkand Halwa ☆ Banana Halwa ☆ Sohn Halwa ☆ Gondd Barfi ☆ Pista Roll ☆ Dil Pairey ☆ Special Kalakand ☆ Akhrott Patissa ☆ Krunch Patissa ☆ Basin Patissa ☆ Cup Patissa ☆ Milky Patissa ☆ Special Rassgullah ☆ Special Gulab Jaman ☆ Special Mottichoor Laddu ☆ Anda Halwa ☆ Peela Coconut ☆ Khashkas Khajur Patissa ☆ Sonff Halwa ☆ Khoyey Pairey Other Items - Karachi Halwa - Badaam Barfi - Sada Barfi - Chocolate Barfi - Basin Barfi - Pista Barfi - Sada Kalakand - Peela Patissa - Sada Patissa - Lahori Poora - Special Gajhiya - Fruit Barfi - Dal Panni - Zafrani Patisa - Sugar Freee Patissa - Gulab Jaman - Rasgullah - Sada Seesu - Amratti - Paitha - Balou Shahi - Motti Chor Ladu - Ilaichi Patissa Packet - Kaju Katli - Badaam Katli - Pista Katli - Pheunian - Rabri Vala Doodh - Sada Doodh - Rasbharri - Rasmalai - Special Kheer - Firni - Sagu Dana - Chicken Samosa - Chicken Roll - Makhan Pairey - Gujia Ladu - Malia Khajey - Gajar Halwa - Peanut Crncuh - Toshey

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