Nbs Engineering Company

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Name Nbs Engineering Company
City Lahore
Type Food Processing Machinery
Email [email protected]
Phone # 03056764554
Mobile # 03056764554
Contact Person Mr. Farhan Fayyaz
Address Allah Tawaqal Road, Shah Gohar Abad, Shalimar Town, Lahore
Description We are an Engineering company established since 1998. Our services and products can be broadly categorized into “Food Service Equipments & Repairing”. We are based in Lahore, but we have capacity to complete very big projects all over Pakistan and around the globe. We have large working area available, sufficient labor resources, and readily available contractual labor option, which enables us to complete big assignments in short span of time.

Note: If This Business Belongs To You or Your Reference, and You Want To Add/Edit More Information, Then Please Contact Us at "[email protected]"

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