Peerus Cafe

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Name Peerus Cafe
City Lahore
Type Events Planner
Phone # +923456730425
Contact Person Adeel Salim
Address 7 KM from Raiwand Road, Lahore.
Description Peeru's Cafe is a part of the Rafi Peer Cultural Centre which also include the Museum of Puppetry & the Arts and Crafts Village. Peeru’s Cafe is a modern Cafe & Restaurant which is situated outskirts of Lahore city and provides a wide variety of food items & Cultural Art & Craft with unique Puppetry Museum. For all the Connoisseurs and Food Lovers, Introducing an Environment which exudes a friendly, Warm atmosphere, delectable Mouth Watering Cuisine, Friendly Courteous Staff, brimming with Creative Artwork from Various Artists on display available for viewing and purchase. Cultural Traditions, Craft Work all over the Area which transort you through different eras and locales. The outdoor which sets a mood for a turn of the century Traditional sittings & Hut Houses & trees with lamp lights, to the more rustic Craft work & warm Indoor level, and of course the New Age retro concept all around with Cultural Essence. Each area offers an excellent setting for having Fresh Breeze, best food, studying, events, and live performances with bonfire as well in winters. The Cafe itself offers venues for movie presentation, sports viewing & wireless internet. All this is available 7 k.m. away from main city Lahore. Peeru’s Cafe is opened with the complicity of the owners (Peer Brothers) and they would like you to leave your feedback suggestions and queries. Live Musical Nights- Every Thursday- Sufi Night Every Friday- Old/New Film Songs Night Every Saturday- Qawwali Night Every Sunday- Family Sunday-Funday Activities for kids. For more information- email: [email protected] phone: 042-35322290-93 mobile: 0300-8432626

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