Zoq Printers Press

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Name Zoq Printers Press
City Lahore
Type Printing & Publishing
Email [email protected]
Phone # 04237147221
Mobile # 03218477221
Contact Person Mr.Usman
Address lower mall, shykh abdul qadir jilani road
Description Zoq printers provides customize solutions for business printing needs. We provide service to customers that are looking for a one-stop solution for all of their printing needs. We provide them with an overall cost savings through our "value-add" strategy of job specific solution. Our solutions focus on the needs of the customer, the time frame for the project and the overall scope of work. With well established machinery, Zoq can accommodate any job size with solutions tailored to the specific need and can further reduce costs by aggregating and allocating among the various sources. Products and services include: printing (Letterhead,Envelopes,Business cards,Business forms including multi-part and carbon less ,Brochures,Mailers,Fliers,Catalogs,Annual reports) publishing (Magazine) advertising packaging branding wide format printing advertising consultation promotional items etc . please contact if any opportunity arises. Thanks !

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