Lucky Stores

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Name Lucky Stores
City Peshawar
Type Clothing & Fashion
Phone # 0915804502
Mobile # 03339167830
Fax # 0915840503
Contact Person S.Hussain
Address Jawad Towers, University Raod
Description In a short span of time we have altered a good name for our oulet. It is mostly consists of trendy, as well as classic and elegant western clothing. Everyday, we look for new ways to connect with new people (customers) around our area, providing value to our customers and make a positive contribution in the communities where we do business. We are committed to serving the needs of our customers while dilivering quality earning from our international suppliers. As of January 31,2009 Lucky operated 5 stores in Pakistan and outside. At Lucky stores, we believe we should go beyond the basics of ethical business practices, genuine clothing and embrace our responsibility to people and specially to the youth. We believe this brings sustainable profit and collective value to our employees, more importantly our customers and the society around.

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