Fascinate Surgical

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Name Fascinate Surgical
City Sialkot
Type Health And Medical
Email [email protected]
Phone # +92523257090
Mobile # +923216138382
Fax # +92524270898
Contact Person Muhammad Tahir Rasheed
Address Muslim Town, Airport Road, Kotli Behram, Sialkot Pakistan
Description FASCINATE SURGICAL aims at, not only to introduce high quality surgical / dental instruments to the world market, but also to continue, at its best, a renovating process with a view to bring home to surgeons innovations coming up through latest trends and technology. FASCINATE SURGICAL has the foundation since 1964 when a skilled man Mr. Muhammad Abdul Rasheed renowned for his workmanship and expertise in manufacturing of Surgical Instruments, specially optical and dental instruments by starting local distribution and gradually treaded his way from local distribution to a position as of today, thereby expanding the production base to almost full range of surgical Instruments, Dental instruments, Optical Instruments and all other instruments used for general surgery. FASCINATE SURGICAL is specialized in all range of TC instruments and now proficient in all range of instruments in Titanium. FASCINATE SURGICAL has its Headquarters at Sialkot (Pakistan), wherefrom it supplies its instruments to many countries of the world, as well as, looks after the progress of its sole representatives in selected regions of the world. FASCINATE SURGICAL also achieved ISO 9001:2008 certificate as endorsement and recognition toward its quality system. Moreover, we are GNP & CE Mark certified company

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