Favor Meaning In german

English Word Favor
German Meaning Gnade
Gnade - Noun
Gunst - Noun
Huld - Noun
Wohltat - Noun
Gefälligkeit - Noun
Geneigtheit - Noun
Gefallen - Noun
Freundlichkeit - Noun
Liebe - Noun
Abzeichen - Noun
Bevorzugen - Verb
Vorziehen - Verb
Begünstigen - Verb
Favorisieren - Verb
Privilegieren - Verb
Beehren - Verb
Zuneigen: Sich Zuneigen - Verb
ähneln - Verb
Word FormNoun
How To Spell Favor[fey-ver]

Definition of Favor

Synonyms of Favor Antonyms of Favor

You searched English word "Favor" meaning in German that is "gnade". Favor is a Noun. We Spell Favor as [fey-ver]. Favor meaning in German has been searched 2528 ( two thousand five hundred twenty eight ) times till today 18/09/2024. Get translation of the word Favor in Urdu and Roman Urdu. Learn how to speak Favor Word in German and English. You may also find the meaning of Word Favor in English to German, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, French, Hindi and other languages.

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