Hostility Meaning In hindi

English Word Hostility
Hindi Meaning विद्वेष
विद्वेष - noun m.
आक्रामकता - noun f.
प्रचंडता - noun f.
वैर-भाव - noun m.
विद्वेष - noun m.
Word FormNoun, plural hostilities.
How To Spell Hostility[ho-stil-i-tee]

Definition of Hostility

Late Middle English: from French hostilité or late Latin hostilitas, from Latin hostilis (see hostile).

Synonyms of Hostility Antonyms of Hostility

You searched English word "Hostility" meaning in Hindi that is "विद्वेष". Hostility translation from English into Roman Urdu is vidveṣ. Hostility is a Noun, Plural Hostilities.. We Spell Hostility as [ho-stil-i-tee]. Hostility meaning in Hindi has been searched 4290 ( four thousand two hundred ninety ) times till today 06/10/2024. Get translation of the word Hostility in Urdu and Roman Urdu. Learn how to speak Hostility Word in Hindi and English. You may also find the meaning of Word Hostility in English to Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, French, German and other languages.

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