Tear Meaning In spanish

English Word Tear
Spanish Meaning Rasgón: De Rasgón
Rasgón: De Rasgón - Adjective
Desgarrón: De Desgarrón - Adjective
Lágrima: De Lágrima - Adjective
Rasgón - Noun
Desgarrón - Noun
Lágrima - Noun
Rajo - Noun
Rajón - Noun
Pedazo: Hacer Pedazos - Verb
Estropear - Verb
Rasgar - Verb
Desgarrar - Verb
Lacerar - Verb
Roturar - Verb
Partir - Verb
Batir - Verb
Deshacer - Verb
Incumplir - Verb
Violar - Verb
Infringir - Verb
Quebrantar - Verb
Vencer - Verb
Arruinar - Verb
Quebrar - Verb
Quebrar: Hacer Quebrar - Verb
Arrancar - Verb
Rasgarse - Verb
Romperse Con - Verb
Tratar En - Verb
Lanzarse - Verb
Precipitarse - Verb
Correr Precipitadamente - Verb
Despedazar - Verb
Word FormNoun
How To Spell Tear[teer]

Definition of Tear

Old English teran, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch teren and German zehren, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek derein ‘flay’. The noun dates from the early 17th century.

Synonyms of Tear Antonyms of Tear

You searched English word "Tear" meaning in Spanish that is "rasgón: de rasgón". Tear is a Noun. We Spell Tear as [teer]. Tear meaning in Spanish has been searched 2275 ( two thousand two hundred seventy five ) times till today 13/09/2024. Get translation of the word Tear in Urdu and Roman Urdu. Learn how to speak Tear Word in Spanish and English. You may also find the meaning of Word Tear in English to Spanish, Urdu, Arabic, French, German, Hindi and other languages.

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