Find best online German to Urdu Dictionary and Urdu to German Translation with German keyboard. Search German words meaning along with Definition & Synonyms details

Word of the Day

Loser in Urdu شکست کھانے والا
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Loser in Hindi असफल व्यक्ति
Loser in Spanish Perdedor
Loser in French Perdant
Loser in German Verlierer

German to Urdu Dictionary – Learn How to Write and Speak Correctly

Darsaal’s German to Urdu Dictionary brings the best word meanings, definitions, translations, synonyms, antonyms, thesaurus, pronunciation of German and Urdu language and a lot more.

A user can use German and Urdu keyboards for German to Urdu and Urdu to German translation while typing the word in the search box. This makes it easy to look for the meanings and translations of different words.

German to Urdu Dictionary shows synonyms and antonyms of the searched words to help a user understand the correct meaning of a word.

The feature of pronunciation is a very useful one as it helps in developing the speaking skills of a person. To ensure that a person also knows how to pronounce a word correctly, apart from writing skills, the pronunciation feature assists the users the best way possible.

An amazing aspect of this dictionary is its bi-directional feature. This feature enables a person to use this dictionary as Urdu to German Dictionary rather than just as German to Urdu Dictionary.

This saves time as a user has no need to look for its alternative somewhere else. It can be changed with a single click of a button.

This German to Urdu Translator has an enhanced speed of the search results. It saves time and allows a person to look for more words in a short span of time.

This dictionary comprises of more than 1,00,000 authentic words. Therefore, a person can Translate German to Urdu with the aid of Darsaal’s dictionary.

Use German to Urdu Dictionary for Free:

Free access is provided to all by Darsaal to enable the people seek knowledge to their heart’s content. A full version of this dictionary is available to all for free. There are no charges for using Darsaal’s dictionary.

An Amazing Feature of ‘Word of the Day’:

The German to Urdu Translation Online is the best feature of all presented by Darsaal which is the ‘Word of the Day.’ It helps a person to learn a new word on a daily basis. This adds some amazing words into one’s vocabulary.

On a daily basis, a new word is introduced with the availability of translation into one’s desired language. This ultimately helps a person in upgrading the writing and the speaking skills in short span of time.

Moreover, a person can also do a random selection of words so that he/she can look for more words within no time.

Therefore, a person can Learn German to Urdu with more ease and comfort.

German to Urdu Dictionary Keyboards:

The German to Urdu Dictionary by Darsaal gives a chance for learning German and Urdu language with the help of German and Urdu keyboards, regardless of installing any keyboard in a mobile or PC. It is offered by Darsaal to help facilitate the people with more facility.

Darsaal provides the best word meanings, definitions, thesaurus, synonyms, pronunciations, and much more. It is all about to groom your writing and speaking skills, both. Either you are a creative writer, or want to learn the new language for a certain purpose, you can use this amazing dictionary for free.