Find best online Hindi to German Dictionary and German to Hindi Translation with Hindi keyboard. Search Hindi words meaning along with Definition & Synonyms details

Word of the Day

Loser in Urdu شکست کھانے والا
Loser in Arabic فاشل
Loser in Hindi असफल व्यक्ति
Loser in Spanish Perdedor
Loser in French Perdant
Loser in German Verlierer

Hindi to German Dictionary - Meanings, Definitions, and Pronunciations

Hindi to German Dictionary provided by Darsaal helps a user search the best word meanings, synonyms, antonyms, thesaurus, definitions, translations, pronunciations of Hindi to German Language and many more features as well.

Hindi to German Dictionary does not only show the meaning of a particular word, but also the most relevant synonyms and antonyms are given out for a better understanding.

Darsaal’s Hindi to German Translation Online offers its users with one of the most useful features, that is the pronunciation of Hindi and German words. Therefore, this feature succors a person learn the correct pronunciation.

A person can also learn German Pronunciation in Hindi and vice versa by this amazing dictionary. This helps a person Learn Hindi to German translation in a much easier way.

A user cannot only search a word, but also a phrase in the search box. This translates the whole phrase into the desired language.

This marks the fulfillment of the aim of this dictionary which is to Translate Hindi to German and vice versa.

The process of learning may seem difficult, but with the availability of Hindi to German Dictionary, it has become a piece of cake.

Word of the Day:

Hindi to German Dictionary gives the best feature of ‘word of the day’, which enables its users to learn a new word every day and increase his/her vocabulary on a daily basis. By taking advantage of this feature, a person can upgrade the writing as well as speaking skills.

Moreover, the users also have an availability of making a random selection of words on their own. This will help them learn translations of different words in their desired language.

Hindi to German Dictionary with Hindi and German keyboards:

A person can utilize this facility, regardless of having the keyboards of these languages installed in one’s computer or mobile. This is only possible because Darsaal presents this facility to all which is, indeed, of great benefit.

German to Hindi Dictionary App:

For all mobile phone users, who want the best German to Hindi Dictionary App or vice versa installed on their mobile phones, Darsaal provides this amazing mobile app.

The reason for this mobile app being the best, is that it contains a vast collection of more than 100,000 words and their translations.

With the aid of this app, a user can access this dictionary more comfortably by using his/her mobile phone.

Hindi to German Learning:

With Darsaal, the process of learning Hindi to German has become an easy task. Thousands of words can be searched with an incredible search result speed, enabling people to learn more words in a short span of time.

Its bi-directional feature allows a person to use this dictionary either as a Hindi to German translation dictionary or vice versa.

Hindi to German Dictionary by Darsaal provides the best translation, thesaurus, synonyms, antonyms, meanings, definitions, pronunciation and a lot more without any charges. So, it could be the best source of information for the students as well as the language learners.