Schools in Ghanche

Find Information of all Schools in Ghanche with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Ghanche on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. girls primary school , pion chorbat

Govt. primary school , gharbochung

Govt. boys primary school , dangah keris

Govt. primary school , braqchan khaplu

Govt. primary school , kherfaq

Govt. boys primary school , stronpi

Govt. boys primary school , keris

Govt. boys primary school , ural keris

Nf , kashaba keris

Nf , sanpa bara

Govt. girls primary school , farol koro

Govt. boys primary school , gaintha ghowari

Nfgharalti, , khaplu.

Gharpigond , kuro

Govt. primary school , konowa, khaplu.

Nf , grong pion

Govt. primary school , ansoq

Nf , sain ghowari

Govt. primary school , gharis khaplu

Nf , mikserpi khaplu.