Schools in Ghanche

Find Information of all Schools in Ghanche with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Ghanche on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school , sokhmus siksa

Govt. primary school , kumik hassanabad

Govt. primary school , thaskong

Govt. primary school , broqbar yougu

Govt. primary school , khankah grong kuro

Govt. primary school , gharaqpigond

Nf , partook chorbat

Nf , biatoq siksa

Govt. boys primary school , marcha

Govt. primary school , askari gond

Govt. primary school , baqir colony

Govt. primary school , doqsa khaplu

Govt. primary school , charthang keris

Govt. primary school , orwa keris

Govt. primary school , bara tatos

Govt. primary school , barchong keris

Govt. primary school , braqchansar

Govt. primary school , manger ghowari

Govt. primary school , kuwas

Govt. primary school , banpi