Bahria University

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Name Bahria University
City Islamabad
Type Universities
Email [email protected]
Phone 9260002
Address Shangrila Road, Naval Complex E-8
Description Bahria University is an Institute of unbounded potential with quality and innovation as our guiding star. The vision is to make Bahria University the best educational institute in the country. To entail discipline and integrated effort there is need to create an environment of collaboration and teamwork to make this vision our collective obligation. In order to imbue leadership and instill discipline while maintaining the friendly environment, there must be created an interactive student based learning environment where the student’s mind can thrive with creativity. There is also need to work on the weakest link of the class to ensure superior standards and produce human resource of the highest quality. The motto of the Bahria University Islamabad is to provide higher education to its students in the courses they are interested and make them perfect in their career for a bright and successful future. Each staff member and faculties of the Bahria University in Islamabad follow the rules and regulations of the college and spread the knowledge with truth, integrity, sincerity and civility. They make the students of the institution follow and maintain these qualities in their life so that they can achieve more and more success all through their life.

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