Schools in Karachi

Find Information of all Schools in Karachi with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Karachi on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. girls middle school hashim jokhio, murad memon

Govt. girls primary school konker no.2, gadap

Govt. boys primary school muhammad burfat, murad memon

Govt. girls primary school h.b.bandook wala, lyari

Govt. girls primary school ghulam muhammad, lyari

Govt. boys primary school hanfia, orangi

Govt. boys primary school tppr (under deo/m/p), orangi

Govt. boys elementary school hyedri modern, saddar

Govt. boys primary school haqani, ranchore line

Govt. boys high school model haqani, saddar

Govt. boys middle school kehkashan, lyari

Govt. boys primary school halo salar, murad memon

Govt. boys primary school hakoo usmanabad, airport

Govt. girls primary school hakoo brohi, gadap

Govt. boys primary school haji waryal bandicho, gadap

Govt. boys high schools haji wali muhammad, landhi korangi

Govt. boys primary school masjid school m.usman, murad memon

Govt. boys primary school haji sukhuo goth (u), airport

Govt. boys high school haji sukhiio village, airport

Govt. boys primary school haji soukhayo, airport