Schools in Kohistan

Find Information of all Schools in Kohistan with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Kohistan on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school sachgai maidan

Govt. primary school gulab abad

Govt. primary school bar dheroo

Govt. primary school ayaz abad

Govt. primary school saleh khail

Govt. primary school youdan abad

Govt. primary school kandaroo

Govt. primary school maidan shiryal

Govt. primary school goot baik

Govt. primary school dogo

Govt. primary school bali bakroo

Govt. primary school chat kolai

Govt. primary school gambeer no.2

Govt. primary school gahkoi

Govt. primary school chawa

Govt. primary school mada khel abad

Govt. primary school baila mada khel

Govt. primary school ashan sher maidan

Govt. primary school aso yango

Govt. primary school ajdeer haider khel