Schools in Malakand

Find Information of all Schools in Malakand with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Malakand on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school barh ghakhi

Govt. primary school ghundo payan

Govt. primary school khan gari

Govt. maktab primary school nasar abad

Govt. primary school shah haider banda

Govt. primary school sorana

Govt. primary school muhammad amin kaley

Govt. primary school latifi colony

Govt. primary school makhna wala no.1

Govt. primary school makhnawala no2

Govt. primary school malikhelo wand

Govt. primary school mattah wartair

Govt. primary school mayar

Govt. primary school meherdi

Govt. primary school mian kalli

Govt. primary school mir ahmad banda

Govt. primary school qaldara

Govt. primary school mir azam banda

Ggovt. primary school haji mir ahmed kalai

Govt. primary school muhammad pati