Schools in Naushero Feroz

Find Information of all Schools in Naushero Feroz with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Naushero Feroz on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. boys primary school qasmani vistara, bhirya

Govt. boys primary school murad kalhoro, bhirya

Govt. boys primary school mir muhammad tagar, bhirya

Govt. boys primary school haroon vistro, bhirya

Govt. boys primary school chutto mangrio, bhirya

Govt. girls primary school machur, bhirya

Govt. girls middle school machur, bhirya

Govt. boys primary school muhammad yousif brohi, bhirya

Govt. boys primary school muhammad chuttal, moro

Govt. boys primary school haji hayat sethar, moro

Govt. boys primary school daud solangi, moro

Govt. boys primary school abdul rahim burdi, moro

Govt. boys primary school loung korejo, moro

Govt. boys primary school faiz muhammad korejo, moro

Govt. girls primary school loung khan korejo, moro

Govt. boys primary school ubrio shah, moro

Govt. boys primary school soohan, moro

Govt. boys primary school nagar khan chandio, moro

Govt. boys primary school jan muhammad chandio, moro

Govt. boys primary school yousif chanar, kandiaro