Schools in Nowshera

Find Information of all Schools in Nowshera with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Nowshera on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. high school pashtoon garhi

Govt. girls high school nowshera cantt.

Govt. girls high school nowshera kalan

Govt. girls high school pabbi

Govt. high school kotli

Govt. girls high school jallozai

Govt. high school mali khel

Govt. high school pahari katti khel

Govt. high school no.2 pir pai

Govt. girls high school khair abad

Govt. high school pir sabaq

Govt. high school shah k|ot

Govt. high school maroba

Govt. high school tarkha

Govt. high school mula killi

Govt. high school muhib banda

Govt. high school zakhi qabristan

Govt. girls high school dag isamil khel

Govt. high school ali baig

Govt. high school behram killi