Schools in Sanghar

Find Information of all Schools in Sanghar with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Sanghar on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. girls primary school sultan abad, tando adam

Govt. girls primary school suleman gajoo, khipro

Govt. boys middle school suleman gujh, khipro

Govt. boys primary school saeed khan mari, khipro

Govt. boys primary school turk ali mari, khipro

Govt. girls primary school chaudary tufail ahmed, tando adam

Govt. girls primary school sayin bux rind, sinjhoro

Govt. boys high school sinjhoro, sinjhoro

Govt. girls high school sinjhoro, sinjhoro

Govt. boys primary school mohammad achar brohi, shahdadpur

Govt. boys primary school haji karam khan, sanghar

Govt. boys primary school sher khan bozdar, tando adam

Govt. girls primary school sham-us-din jarori, sinjhoro

Govt. girls primary school mohd ramzan sindhi, shahdadpur

Govt. boys primary school shahmir khan panhwar, sanghar

Govt. boys primary school ansar ul islam, tando adam

Govt. boys primary school muhammad sharif jatt, tando adam

Govt. boys primary school sayed sabgatullah, shahdadpur

Govt. boys primary school lakha dino subhopoto, shahdadpur

Govt. boys primary school jamia masjid imam, shahdadpur