Schools in Shangla

Find Information of all Schools in Shangla with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Shangla on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school danda

Govt. primary school hasham khilodab

Govt. primary school chawga

Govt. primary school chagum no.1

Govt. primary school braim

Govt. primary school behar

Govt. primary school biar kammach

Govt. primary school bara awari no.1

Govt. primary school baloo

Govt. primary school baina makhozi

Govt. primary school bela (makhuzi)

Govt. primary school baglila puran

Govt. primary school bagyar puran

Govt. primary school dankool

Govt. primary school korarai

Govt. primary school tambal danduay

Govt. primary school quanj

Govt. primary school woch lass

Govt. primary school gardoon no.2

Govt. primary school gardoon no.3