Schools in Skardu

Find Information of all Schools in Skardu with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Skardu on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. primary school , shout

Govt. boys primary school , hango

Ggovt. primary school, khar khor

Govt. girls high school , mehdiabad

Govt. boys high school, tolti

Govt. boys high school, mehdiabad

Govt. boys high school, kharmang

Govt. boys high school, pari

Govt. boys high school, olding

Govt. boys middle school , serling

Govt. boys middle school , dapa

Govt. boys middle school , baghicha

Govt. boys primary school , ganokh

Govt. boys middle school , tolti

Govt. boys middle school , mayourdu

Ggm , pari

Ggm , ghasing

Ggm , gahori

Govt. boys middle school , madhupur

Govt. boys middle school , hargosil donga