Girl Names Starting with M

Girl Names Starting with M - Browse Girl names by alphabets starting with M in english at Darsaal. Search Girl names starting with M complete list.

Muqbala this was the name of a narrator مقبلہ
Muqbalah name of a narrator of hadith مقبله
Murabi Flower مربی
Muradat “beloved”, “desired” مرادات
Muraihah “liveliness”, “joyfulness” مریحہ
Muraziyah “one who causes someone to be satisfied” مراضیہ
Murdiyyah chosen one مردییہ
Muridah “seeker”, “desirous” مریدہ
Muriel sea-bright موریل
Muriha restful, soothing مريحة
Murihah “gentle”, “lenient” مریحہ
Murjanah small pearl مرجانه
Mursalah “messenger”, مرسلہ
Murshida leader, guide, adviser مرشدة
Murshidaa “one who guides others to the right path” مرسدا
Murshidah guide مرشده
Mursilah a messenger”, مرسلہ
Muruj meadows موروج
Murvareed Pearl مروارید
Murzaqah “blessed”, “fortunate” مرزقہ
Murziqah “giver of provision” مرزقہ
Murziyah “one who satisfies” مرضیہ
Musabbihah “one who glorifies God often” مسبحہ
Musadah “happy”, “joyful” مسعدہ
Musaddas a poem of six verses مسدس
Musaddiqa one who affirms the truth مسددیقہ
Musaddiqah one who affirms the truth مصدقه
Musafah “helped”, “rescued مسعفہ
Musamma “determined”, “specified” مسمی
Musarat hapiness, pleasure, delight مسارات
Musarrat pleasure مسارات
Musavara image maker مصورہ
Musawat equality مساوات
Musawiyah “equal”, “equivalent” مساویہ
Musawwarah “photographed”, مصورہ
Musaykah she narrated hadith from sayyidina ayshah موسيقاه
Musdiyah “one who improves people’s relationships” مسدیہ
Musedat “helper” مسعدت
Museel equiform,similar مثیل
Musefah “helper”, “rescuer مسعیفہ
Musfirah bright face مصفرہ
Mushaa “one who walks or travels at a gentle pace مُشْعَاء
Mushadaa wise or strong مشدا
Mushahida observance, evidence, study مشاہدہ
Musharrafah “worthy of honor” مشرفہ
Musharrifa elevated, exalted مشررفا
Musheera in muslim meaning is giving counsel مشیرا
Mushiah “radiant”, “radiating” مشعہ
Mushika night مشیکا
Mushilah “lighter” مشعلہ
Mushira counsellor, adviser مشيرا
Mushirah giving counsel, advising مشایرہ
Mushrifah “overseer”, “foreman” مشرفہ
Mushtaree variant of mushtari jupiter مشتری
Mushtari jupiter مشتری
Musidah “helper” مسعدہ
Musiqah one who affirms the truth موسيقاه
Musirrah “one who makes others happy” مسیرہ
Muska smile, also muskan موسقمسکا
Muskaan Smile مسکان
Muskah “sense”, “intelligence” مسکہ
Muskan smile مسکان
Muslihah “good-doer” مصلحہ
Muslima devout believer مسلمہ
Muslimaa “Muslim girl”, “Muslim woman” مسلماء
Muslimah Devout believer; submitting oneself to God مسلمہ
Muslimati “Muslim woman” مسلماتی
Musn rain, clouds موسن
Musnah rain, clouds مسنہ
Mussaret happiness مسّرت
Mustaeenah one who prays for help مستینہ
Mustahi to arrive climax مستہی
Mustaneeah praying for help, soliciting aid. مستنیاح
Mutahhara purified, chaste مطهرة
Mutahharah purified, chaste مطهره
Mutairah rain مطیرہ
Mutarba singing مطربہ
Mutazah a narrator of hadith معتزه
Muteeah “obedient”, “compliant” مطیعہ
Mutehhara purified, chaste. متھرا
Muthailah “ideal” متیلہ
Muthalaa “exemplary”, “model”, متلاء
Muthamizh music متحمزہ
Muthamizharasi queen of three form of the tamil language; a bird's name مئتھامیزھاراسی
Muthammal pure; like a pearl متحمّل
Mutharasi beautiful queen like a pearl متحرسی
Muthlaa “ideal”, “peerless” متلا
Mutholi shines like a pearl متھولی
Muthunagai smiles like a pearl متھنآگئی
Muthuselvi happy prosperous daughter; she is worth as pearl متھسلوی
Mutia obedient, pious, devoted متا
Mutiba from which come good perfume مطیبہ
Mutmaanah “sure of heart” مطمئنه
Mutmainnah “serene” مطمئنه
Muwaffaqa successful, prosperous مواففاقہ
Muyassar facilitated, wealthy, successful ميسر
Muyassarah facilitated” میسرہ
Muyassirah “facilitator” میسیرہ
Muzaina diminutive of muzna, rain مزینا
Muzainah a small drizzling cloud, name of a sahabiyyah(ra), name of an arab tribe. مزینہ