Kis Ki Topi, Kis Ke Sar

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Name Kis Ki Topi, Kis Ke Sar
Detail Working within the tradition of Modern Farces, Babar Jamal (playwright) based his play in Pakistan's unique social context and crafted this absorbingly hilarious farce, which is bound to leave you in fits of laughter. The play begins with Junaid Shahi's and his unaware, simple-minded tenant Tanvir's desperate attempts to conceal reality from Junaid's wife Faiza. Because, today a representative (Munir) from Govt. income support program has arrived to verify if Naseem (Junaid) really deserves the help he receives. Munir refuses to leave until he has done what he came for. From this, stem the rest of the comic turn of events that explode right into Junaid and Tanvir's face until.. Play Starts promptly at 7.30 pm and ends at 9.30pm with an interval of 15 minutes!
Type Arts And Entertainment

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