Software, Web Development

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Name Software, Web Development
Detail Indasy IT Solution. is an independent IT Services and consulting company. It was found in 2010. We as a professional software-development company are highly concerned with the quality of our solutions and services. Moreover, our team constantly works on developing and improving our service performance to satisfy our customers and maintain long-term cooperation with them. We offer qualititative, tmely and cost-effective development services and solutions for customers with projects both small and medium. We are specialized in software development, database solutions, website development, graphic design and search engine optimization (SEO). Nevertheless, we are experienced, fast learning and well-prepared to master your specific project. We specialize in: 1. Database software solutions; - Education Management Software - Finance Management Software - Human Resource Management Software - Administration Management Software - Projects & Program Management Softwares 2. Custom software solutions; 3. Dynamic / E-commerce Website Development; - Online Human Resource Management - Online Financial Management - Online Education Management - Social Network Site. 4. Custom site development. 5. Media Presentation 6. Graphic Design Our technical skills include: Programming Languages: Visual Studio 2005/2010 (C#, VB.Net,), PHP, Java Database Experience: Microsoft SQL Server 2005, MySQL, Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Data access technologies: ODBC, DAO, ADO, SQL Server Operation systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 Internet Experience: ASP, ASP.Net, JavaScript, JSP, HTML, DHTML, XML, XSLT,CSS Multimedia: Flash, After Effects, 3DMax, Maya, AutoCAD, Power point, Sound Forge , Adobe Premier Graphic Design : Photoshop, CorelDraw, Illistrator, InDesign.
Type Computers And Internet

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