
Check Business Detail of Www.biek.edu.pk with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Www.biek.edu.pk. You can find google map of Www.biek.edu.pk including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Www.biek.edu.pk directory types like Www.biek.edu.pk.

Name Www.biek.edu.pk
Detail Board of Intermediate Education Karachi was established as independent body in 1974 under the "Sindh Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education amendment act No. 20 of 1973. This Board has the power to manage, operate, develop and control Intermediate Education & conduct examinations. The controlling Authority of the Board is the Governor of Sindh or his nominee. The Chairman is the principal executive and academic officer of the Board, while the Secretary is the in charge of the academic and administrative Sector and the Controller of Examinations is the In charge of the Examination Section. The above officers and the Audit officer are appointed by the Controlling Authority of the Board, while other officers are also appointed by the Board on the recommendation of the appointment Committee. In the year, 1974, there were only 17 officers and 113 officials, now we have 51 officers and 246 officials. With a view to performing various functions systematically there are Statutory and non-Statutory committees have been constituted.
Type Education

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