Noor Clinic

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Name Noor Clinic
Detail Noor Clinic is a Medical Website of Pakistan by Dr. Rizwan MBBS (Dow) Karachi to educate people about sex. It has been noticed that majority of men and women are not fully aware of sex how to do it in the right way. is especially designed for sex education in Urdu and sex education in Roman Hindi especially for Pakistani and Indian shy men, women, boys and girls. Its health related web site where people who feel shy to discuss their sex problem with doctor can post here and some medical expert can respond to it based on their knowledge and experience. Noor Clinic website is in Urdu language and caters you all sex related issues, questions, along with religious issues and laws related to sex. Access the website URL and other related information about Noor Clinic online on this page. You can find answers to all your sex related questions online on Noor Clinic’s website. Feel free to post your question to get valid and prompt response from medical professionals of Noor Clinic.
Type Hospitals

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