Pakistani Film Singers

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Name Pakistani Film Singers
Detail Pakistani Singers including Noor Jehan, Mehdi Hassan, Nahid Akhtar, Mala, Kausar Parveen, Mehnaz, Naseem Begum etc. It is difficult to comprehend how and why songs were thought to be an essential part of sub-continental films mix right from the beginning of the sound era.The pakistani songs have been the part of Pakistani Flim Industry.We have a huge list of Pakistani flim singers who played an important role in the success of Pakistani flim industry.We have some popular names like Ahmed Rushdi,Irene Parveen,Mala,Mehdi Hassan,Naheed Akhtar,Naseem Begum,Zubaida Khanum,Mehdi Hassan,Zeenat Begum,Naseem Akhtar,Munawwar Sultana,Mujeeb Alam,Firdousi Begum,Bashir Ahmed,Noor Jehan,Kauser Parveen,Naheed Niazi.To evaluate and appreciate the cinema of the subcontinent, it is imperative to understand its peculiar affinity to music, song, and dance in the context of the historical framework of the region.
Type Music

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