
Check Business Detail of Baitulmaal with contact information, address, google map of their location, business city and phone number of Baitulmaal. You can find google map of Baitulmaal including fax number, contact number, email address and website. You can also check more Baitulmaal directory types like Baitulmaal.

Name Baitulmaal
Detail Baitulmaal began its efforts in combining the talents and resources of those who give their time and financial support, to build a strong and lasting bridge over the abyss of poverty, dissolution and ruin, amidst impoverished and war torn communities. Baitulmaal strives to aid the sick, aged, and helpless, children, orphans and widows, with plans to improve sanitation and prevent disease, to encourage social and domestic hygiene, and future plans to build, repair, and maintain schools across the globe. It is non-profit organization (NGO).
Type Society And Culture

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