Ufone Gsm

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Name Ufone Gsm
Detail PTML (Pak Telecom Mobile Limited) or Ufone is a Pakistani GSM cellular service provider. It was the third mobile operator to enter in Pakistani market. It started operation in January, 2001, but after sometime Ufone became a part of Etisalat in 2006. Ufone is among the largest GSM mobile service provider and fourth largest mobile service in regards of subscriber base over 24 million and capture the market share of 18% among other mobile operators in Pakistan. Ufone aims to provide their customer wider coverage, superior connectivity, clear signals and voice quality. Ufone has network coverage in 10,000 locations and across all Pakistan. Ufone currently provides International Roaming to more than 288 live operators in more than 160 countries. Company begun its 3G services and set up its 3G packages for both Prepaid and Postpaid. Ufone has also become a focused and intensive leader in VAS, constantly introducing innovative services that are the first of their kind in the Pakistani cellular industry. In addition, Ufone’s operational performance has been very encouraging. Despite the rigid competition in Pakistan telecom market has led to reduce the prices to bare minimum level, due to its aggressive policies and exercising strict control over expenses. Ufone understands the value of how to target customers, therefore, Company introduced Umall, a Pakistan based store for Pakistani people to shop Online. Ufone introduced UPaisa that offers branch-less banking segments. Ufone has also won Best Telecommunication Service Provider Award at 2012 PAS Awards by Pakistan Advertisers Society. Meanwhile, Ufone also launched Android app for this online store. Ufone Packages includes Ufone SMS Packages, Ufone MMS Packages, 3G Mobile Internet & Uth packages and Utunes.
Type Telecommunications

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