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Name Aaj.tv
Detail AAJ TV is the logical progression of the group's mission to dispense unadulterated information through easily accessible mediums. Extensive planning, spanning over 2 years, has gone into perfecting the organizations operations. Now AAJ TV employs over 1000 employees and has fully equipped bureaus in Karachi , Lahore and Islamabad . AAJ TV is the only digital satellite channel to have an Earth Station in Pakistan that broadcasts directly to the AsiaSat satellite with a footprint of over 60 countries. Having an Earth Station provides for exceptional flexibility and control in responding to local and international events. AAJ TV caters to all tastes by providing three well defined programming blocks in the form of News, Current Affairs and Entertainment. Building on the immaculate news reporting experience of the Business Recorder, AAJ TV provides round the clock news coverage from around the world in collaboration with our partner news sources in more than 100 countries. Combining superior news reporting with unmatched analytical strength provided by the most respected social and political commentators in Pakistan accounts for in depth and precise Current Affairs programs. On the Entertainment front, industry veterans are heading the teams and using one of the best and most well equipped production facilities in the country to create ground breaking programs starring the best known faces in television.
Type Television

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