Schools in Skardu

Find Information of all Schools in Skardu with contact details, google map location, phone number, fax number, email, website and all educational information. Search all Schools of Skardu on this page with their courses, fee structure , teaching staff and facilities to their students.

Govt. boys primary school , mamush thang

Mosque , school bilargo

Govt. boys primary school , bresil

Govt. primary school , marol kaharmang

Govt. boys primary school , saindo tughon bala

Mosque , school kusura

Govt. boys primary school , kamango

Ggovt. primary school, ghandus

Govt. boys primary school , panda

Ggovt. primary school, biama

Nf , farol

Govt. boys primary school , chumik karmang

Ggovt. primary school, kamongo

Govt. boys primary school , kindarik

Govt. boys primary school , soksi thang

Govt. boys primary school , ghandus

Govt. boys primary school , ghavis

Govt. boys primary school , palpaldo

Govt. primary school , bondokha

Govt. boys primary school , murkun